The NEW 6RU Front-Access V-Panel (FVP) facilitates ergonomic, modular, and simultaneous cold aisle front-access splicing and patching of up to 864 fibers utilizing SpiderWeb Ribbon® (SWR®) Technology to pre-loaded, high-performance SWR LC pigtails.
The one-person rack-mountable unit is easy to work with and both sturdy and lightweight. 3 slide-out modular drawers are dismounted from the housing and spliced in simultaneously providing a fast, efficient and more comfortable cold aisle installation. Slack allows for simultaneous splicing to take place on a workbench at a safe working height and its V-shaped design provides easy finger access and LC quad shuttered adapters help prevent the ingress of dust or debris whilst additionally providing laser eye safety.
Panels are stackable for larger count cables with the option to feed cable in from either the top or bottom and integrated mounting points ensure appropriate management of breakout from cable to splicing area. Front and rear doors provide added fiber protection and can be easily removed and mounted during installation.
Ergonomic and accessible, the 6U Front-Access V-Panel is ideal for both hyperscale and colocation environments.
Contact us today for more information.